Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Superheroes and Guns

                                                                     Shut up, crime!

                                               Yippi-kai-ay, Melon Farmer.


They're called "Gunchucks" and they're even cooler than a flying guillotine.  Be sure to blare the Banana Splits theme from your belt-mounted PA system during use for additional psychological effect.

And behold actual comic book evidence that superheroes are supposed to use guns -- dual wield them, in fact:

Thank you.  Have a nice day.


  1. Mega-Rad,

    "Gunchucks" - Hah! One heard once about a gun that shot knives. It's sad really "superheroes" in masks and capes are now/have been carrying guns as they sneak around in the night, or parade around being "role models" to children during the day. Armed. So called heroes have gone from trying to inspire, to Batmen, and now to Punishers. This trend has a drop off point next. Care to guess what we call those people? Criminals? Murderers? Gang Members? Convicts. Scumbags.

    Depressed now.
    -Lord Malignance

  2. And police aren't role models to children? Y'know, when they aren't beating minorities for traffic violations, that is.

    Still, carrying a gun changes nothing about the caliber (zing) of the person whom has it. If someone has been trained, has the correct legal licenses to carry it in public, and is safe with their firearms then I say more power to them. What are they to do when someone pulls a gun on THEM? Throw a tazer and hope their discount bullet-proof vests keep them from getting ventilated?

  3. Police aren't exactly citizens either - they derive their authority from their jurisdiction. When the police beat someone for example, you don't sue them, you sue the city/state. Therefore, the city ensures that they are monitored and trained before using a gun, and their every activity using a gun is investigated.

    The cycle of "I might get robbed, so I've got to carry a gun" is partially a sales pitch by gun manufacturers. Look at places with fewer guns, and you find less gun violence. And what do the statistics tell us? Domestic violence and accidents account for more gun deaths than robbery crime? So you get a gun, and I get a gun, and the criminals they get guns, and then everyone has a gun, and how has gun violence declined? It hasn't. It continues to rise at about the same rate as gun sales.

    -Lord Malignance

  4. @EON: But...why..? :(

    @Lord Malignance: I'm beginning to suspect that you might be me in disguise.

  5. Villainy is infectious because it is Awesome. One wishes there were easy answers here; Realistically, while we've been typing, good people have died of gun violence - not in other parts of the world, but here.

    What would be Villainous is to create a working alternative to guns that was an effective way to protect yourself. Then guns would be redundant and their numbers diminished.

    -Lord Maligannce

  6. Rooster... ah yeah. There's no rational argument in this post. You got me. My next post sort of addresses my reasoning. I'll answer LM's response there before too long...
