Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shock Boots and an Unrelated Article

Perhaps it's a vanity thing, but one question I've always wanted a snappy answer to is "what's so super about you?"  Actually I've always wanted a bazillion answers and that's an ongoing project.  But anyway, here is one snappy answer -- I can shock people with my feet (as soon as the postal service delivers these things).

Light Configuration

Heavier Configuration (vaguely inspired by Neo's lobby boots in the Matrix)

Here is a video demonstration by my pal:

And in unrelated news, my former teammates Motor-Mouth and the rest of the NorCal Protectorate have been getting some press lately, besides the double page spread in People magazine:


  1. While the innovation is interesting, why would you ever want your feet to be tazers? This is an accidental assault waiting to happen.

  2. And stay well away from any dogs with full bladders.

  3. It's a component of the power armor we're working on. They're no more or less likely to accidentally go off than any regular stun gun, actually.

    They would short out if used while wet. Just getting them wet is no problem -- unless you're sparking them at the time.

    As to why I would want these, at least four reasons --

    1. To protect the world from devastation
    2. To unite all peoples within our nation
    3. To denounce the evils of truth and love
    4. To extend our reach to the stars above

    Also haven't you ever watched Ultraman?

    I have big plans. You should both move to LA in 2013 and get involved. After the TacSuit comes drones and robots, minions made up like glowing zombies.

    It's going to be so bizarre that it will get famous on its own without any need to contact the press everytime one of us goes outside.
