Friday, April 8, 2011

Super Secret Headquarters Plans and Request for Advice

I would appreciate your help, input, advice, etc on something.

Objective: to live in a super fabulous, flamboyant, and way over the top secret headquarters/lair in or near the city of Los Angeles by the end of the year 2013.

Ideally this super fabulous, flamboyant, and way over the top secret headquarters/lair in or near the city of Los Angeles would include:

1.   An array of bleeping computers, reel-to-reel tape players, and other sophisticated machinery
2.   A really cool looking table with monogrammed seats for the folks who lived there and a gigantic map of the world covering most of the wall behind it.
3.   Tesla coil.
4.   Etc.  You basically know what a lair is if you’ve ever seen a James Bond movie or watched an episode of the Superfriends.

                                          Fig 1: Scale model of a Secret Headquarters/Lair, exterior

                                              Fig 2: Artist's Rendition of Hypothetical Lair Interior

                                    Fig 3: Scale Model of Hypothetical Command Center

What I’m confident I can do is find a big house, other people to share the rent with me, and set up shop with minimal (but noticeable) difficulty.

                                                 Fig 4: Miniature model of a Big House

But I'd really like to come up with something a little cooler, more ambitious, and more bizarre than that.

So I’m soliciting advice.

My favorite fantasy involves buying an abandoned offshore oil rig and converting it into a complex that would have stuff like a gym, kitchen, living space, etc and would be a place to live, a homeless shelter, maybe rent out practice areas to bands, low cost and very basic hotel type rooms for low income transients... a lot of stuff.

                                         Fig 5: Abandoned BP Oil Rig
Of course there’s the issue of everyone commuting to the lair by boat and having to lease a parking spot and wharf space…

My next favorite fantasy involves getting some land and turning it into a trailer park complex that's pretty much the same thing -- as it expands just add more mobile homes.  I like this because it’s sort of like what a military camp is initially set up like and it supports the notion of gradual growth and all that.  However, it also seems a little trashy, you know?  It’d be a trailer park, after all, and being able to simultaneously refer to it as a “gated community” wouldn’t help much.

    Fig 6: One Vision for an Economical Lair

And then there's all kinds of abandoned stuff like factories, warehouses, asylums, prisons, hospitals, etc, the idea being to combine a place to live, a business, and a non-profit all in one little complex run by whoever wanted to be involved.

Now the government will apparently provide financial assistance to people to start homeless shelters --

                                          Fig 7:  It's called "a dual-use facility," folks -- feed the
                                          homeless and the team/minions.

...and give grants to restore historic sites --

                                          Fig 8: Historic Fort Secret Headquarters

But I really have no idea how to do this stuff.


(EDIT - Parts of this blog just keep disappearing for some reason.  It probably has to do with the government shutdown.  Anyway, I'm tired of trying to fix it.)


  1. All the deleted stuff amounted to was asking your advise on this and suggestions for how to cut maintenance costs (like renting areas for local bands to practice, collecting fees for people to shoot photos and film at the lair, etc etc.)

    And the obligatory "yes, I'm not kidding. Join me and together we'll rule the galaxy and usher in a new era of prosperity"

    And such.

  2. Mega-Rad,

    One will share links here;

    With such links as;

    If you know of any links that One should add, One welcomes them.

    As to Secret Lairs, may One suggest a warehouse in an industrial area outside of town? The amenities are available, and you can easily run a false front operation. Otherwise, there's always the ubiquitous "house in the neighborhood". No one ever thinks of the garage scientists taking over the world (But that's what Overlord Gates did just a few decades ago).

    -Lord Malignance

  3. Well, I really intend to set something up, so I've started leaning toward a houseboat and/or a modified school bus and eventually a fleet of them.

    Who knows, though.

    It kinda tripped me out to see H+ magazine on your list of links. You should check these sites out:

    They're all under the umbrella of something called "Transhuman X," which I named... :P

    I'm also to blame for "Dimension Zero," except my suggestion was "Dimension Z."

  4. Cool sites from both of you. Thank you. I've got some reading to do now.

    As you were

  5. Mega-Rad,

    One has had an opportunity to look at those links, and One thanks you. There were a couple good resources for blog posts (One loves the Mad Science).

    -Lord Malignance
